Saturday, February 9, 2013

My new ebook, and the merits of publishing digitally

Available now, everywhere! The Gospels of Rage ebook, delivered to anyone who can reach the internet! See for your copy!

Years ago, when I worked as an intern for a small start-up  company called eBay, we used to dream of a time when the internet could reach everyone, even those without a great deal of wealth and those distant from cities where technology was concentrated. I am pleased that this has become a reality, even if eBay cannot reap all the rewards, because they do not deliver digital goods, but real ones.

This dream was accomplished with the smart phone and tablet computer not so long ago. Now people connect to the cellular or satellite networks with a computer that fits in the palm of your hand and costs less than a few hundred dollars. This is amazing, frankly, because now billions of goods and services are available to any of us instantaneously. 

Think then on how many more people you can reach with a digital book. Right now, you can get mine, and in fact any I ever write, for as long as the internet continues to provide. So enjoy this time of literature delivered into your hands via live streaming. It maybe only by virtue of this that people on the other side of the world will be able to read our work.

-F. F. White

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Searching for search

I am often asked... sometimes asked... somebody asked me once... "Is there an easier way to find things on the scribbulations website?"
Well, the menu bar is pretty good.
But, in case it doesn't quite do it, I have added a search box. It searches just the scribbulations website not the whole web, (I hear there are other ways to do that).

So my question is: Does anyone know of a better search box than the one I installed? This one is by and is only free if you accept ads. Anyone out there with their own website? What did you use?

When you give the new search box a try, let me know if it does what you need it to!
